Friday, April 21, 2006

IMMIGRATION: A contrary Libertarian opinion

There are a lot of arguments to be made that unfettered illegal immigration is a tremedous strain on our culture which could eventually lead America away from the tenants of its founding and on to the cozy and then lukewarm bath of mediocrity. America moreso than any country invented its own culture and it can re-invent the culture to the tune of how many voters want to be trendy rather than savvy.

A lot of people come to this country not to be Americans, but to make more money. And there is something about their pursuit of this money that seems to be lost in the debate. As a Follower of libertarian thought, I have been surprised that a number of libertarians are perfectly happy with no borders at all. Traditional liberals have said that illegals are thriving in this country because they will work for less and they are therefore depressing wages. Libertarians make the case that it's only happening because the government has arificially created a minimum wage that doesn't take into consideration people's actual job skills. So they both agree on the lower wages, one thinks it is peachy, while the other thinks it's trecherous.

Minimum wage is typical populist nonsense masquerading as compassion, no doubt, but if we let Mexicans illegally do this work on the cheap we will depress wages enough that Congress will see poverty. Citizen taxpayers will have to make up the difference in government programs, first to the old workers that lost their jobs and then to the new illegals that have trouble living on the new wage. Children of illegals that pay no taxes are are freely attending public schools all over the country, for instance.

Businesses have been inching to the Left as they realize that corporate welfare is actually a pretty good substitute for profit-earning, because it's money you can collect without having to do that rough and tumble competition fight. Letting corporations hire illegals and then putting the effects back on the tax payer is hidden corporate welfare and that might be one the reasons that this fight has been so tepid. Democrats love welfare and Republicans love corporations.

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