Monday, June 05, 2006


It's not like it's terrorism, it's just some fake documents and a few thousand pounds of explosives. What's a little criminal activity among adherents of the religion of peace?

I don't know why it keeps surprising me how deeply you have to go into these AP stories to find out all 17 suspects are Muslims.

The suspects lived in either Toronto, Canada's financial capital and largest city, or the nearby cities of Mississauga or Kingston.

Also at the court hearing was Aly Hindy, an imam of an Islamic center that houses a school and a mosque and has been monitored by security agencies for years. He said he knows nine of the suspects and that Muslims once again were being falsely accused.

"It's not terrorism. It could be some criminal activity with a few guys, that's all," said Hindy. "We are the ones always accused. Somebody fakes a document and they are an international terrorist forging documents for al-Qaida."


Dude said...

We already have ridiculous 'hate crimes' for which a perp can be punished a little extra if he assaults a gay man or a person of color. Why not add Muslims with Explosives to the hate crime roster? Selective punishment for crimes we consider particularly abhorrant - any 'Muslim with Explosives' is sent directly to Gitmo to await trial.

Tom said...

If the media can shield Muslims from their acts, the easier, I suppose, it is to convince Americans that invading Iraq was an overreaction.

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