Thursday, September 09, 2004


Byron York lays out Bush's flight record in chronological order. He reveals some interesting things I haven't seen anywhere else. He then brings up an interesting point in the Kerry-Bush service feud.
The Kerry camp blames Bush for the Swift boat veterans’ attack, but anyone who has spent much time talking to the Swifties gets the sense that they are doing it entirely for their own reasons.

And it should be noted in passing that Kerry has personally questioned Bush’s service, while Bush has not personally questioned Kerry’s.

In April — before the Swift boat veterans had said a word — Kerry said Bush “has yet to explain to America whether or not, and tell the truth, about whether he showed up for duty.” Earlier, Kerry said, “Just because you get an honorable discharge does not, in fact, answer that question.”

Interesting because Kerry now says that whatever the official govt. records says about his medals have to be accepted as the last word, while Bush's honorable discharge from the same government is incomplete data.

On a ligher note, Scrappleface reports Kerry's Honorable Discharge.

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