Friday, May 09, 2003


I think I tried to be too clever in my criticism of Theresa Heinz Kerry recently. My real problem is that I think she disrespects the memory of her dead husband by using his money to fund the candidacy of a man who stands for opposite things. John Heinz wasn’t a red meat conservative, but he wasn’t a liberal like Kerry either. As a guy who supported the Nicaraguan Contras, the MX missile, SDI, and specifically the use of force against Iraq in 1991(The last vote he cast before his plane crash), Heinz was in direct contrast to Kerry on foreign policy. Had John Heinz been alive for Kerry's partisan attacks on Bush leading up to the recent war, I can't imagine him applauding Kerry.

I’m happy that the former Mrs. Heinz won’t die a lonely woman, but should she be spending her late-husband’s fortune to fund his political adversary?

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