Sunday, November 30, 2003


Hillary wasn't as political on her trip as one may have predicted, but a couple of her comments were enough to remind one that every move she makes has a political implication.
"I left Afghanistan feeling very positive about what our military personnel had accomplished there, but I am not very confident that we have adequate forces to accomplish the many missions we have been asked to handle," Clinton said.

Clinton said, "The administration didn't fully appreciate what they would be encountering in Iraq," although many members of the Bush administration had been preoccupied for years with former Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.

"Now we're playing catch-up," she said.

Who thinks that Hillary's planned invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq would have been more successful than Bush's? What was Mrs. Clinton’s specific plan again? It looks like she voted in favor of it and then stood back waiting for something to go wrong.

Does a serious leader travel overseas to campaign during wartime? Did Dewey travel to Europe to criticize FDR's policies? Did Eisenhower go to Korea to criticize Truman? Did Nixon travel to Vietnam to criticize Johnson? On the positive side, Hillary went the entire trip without mentioning her plan for universal health care.

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