Thursday, November 13, 2003


It's all in how you tell the story.
Peter Jennings and Linda Douglass failed to inform viewers of how Democrats are using the filibuster threat in such and unprecedented manner as Jennings referred only to how the GOP wished to “draw attention to the fact that several of President Bush’s nominees for the federal bench are not being confirmed because the Democrats object to them” while, surreally, Jennings described how “the Democrats say they’re doing what the Constitution requires.”

This is a good example of how the press makes the story. When Clinton wouldn't sign the Republican passed budget in 1995, the press reported that the Republicans had shut down the government. There weren't any stories about how the Republicans were doing what the Constitution requires by passing a budget. They became the bad guys, because they weren't passing the budget Democrats wanted.

The Constitution doesn't require a supermajority to pass a President's nominees. The Democrats are saying that it does require one. That's the story the media doesn't want to tell.

UPDATE: Here's the hourly rundown of what happened during the filibuster.

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