Wednesday, September 22, 2004


The media seems to think our democracy is in peril because only half of the Americans eligible to vote do so. These same media observers never think our democracy is in peril when judges make arbitrary decisions that go against the wishes of the people. Instead of centering on how democratic institutions have been usurped they focus on superficial data like voter turnout.

People tend to vote in larger numbers when they perceive the country moving in the wrong direction. Abstaining usually means that people are pretty comfortable with the way things are or not so sure that a candidate is really going to change things significantly.

I saw a bumper sticker this morning that said, “Spread Democracy – VOTE.” Now, any fool can vote. And maybe that’s what they want. Fools voting on the foolish issues brought up by political candidates to avoid the real issues. Instead of imploring people to understand their government processes and how it effects them, they simply want people to open their eyes every two years and guess which candidate is going to be the most effective leader.

I’d like to eat dinner in an expensive restaurant with someone who is bothered that so few people vote. I would ask them this question – “Would you pay these same prices if I picked anyone here in the restaurant at random to head to the kitchen and cook your food or would you rather have a chef that went to some trouble to understand the finer points of cooking?” It doesn’t matter what the turnout rate is if many people vote for superficial reasons. In fact, superficial voting is much more dangerous to our democracy than abstention.

Many people will never bother with learning the kinds of issues that are important in any election. It’s our gift that they aren’t compelled to vote anyway. If they ever do take the time to become informed they will surely vote. Are there really a great many people who take trouble to understand the system who don’t bother to vote?

Why not let the rest of them enjoy the meal, but give the chefs some education first.

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