Thursday, February 10, 2005


Interesting show on Animal Planet tonight. Can you name the top 10 animal killers of humans worldwide?

Hint #1: Dogs, spiders, and bears failed to make the list.

Hint #2: #3 kills about 1,500 people a year, #2 about 40,000 a year, and #1 in the millions.

Hint #3: Correct - mosquitoes is #1.

Hint #4: Death to human is caused by direct contact with animal, which removes deer, squirrels, domestic cats, and bunnies from consideration.

Hint #5: You might see four of the top 10 on your trip to the zoo.

Giveaway clues will follow the next guess.

Giveaway clues:

1. MOSQUITOES carry malaria.

2. 40,000 victims annually by biting not sssqueezing. (SNAKES)

3. The buzz is that most victims did not know they were allergic. (BEES)

4. 3,900 pounds of pressure in its bite, then spins at 100 rpm to tear its victim apart. (CROC)

5. Generally the bigger it is, the less potent its venomous tail. (SCORPION)

6. His ivory appendages can grow to 7 feet in length. (ELEPHANT)

7. He’s the king, so she does all the work. (LION)

8. Ellen-voiced character nearly succumbed to these translucent killers. (JELLYFISH)

9. Being surrounded by these critters is no laughing matter. (HYENAS)

10. Quint found out the hard way. (SHARKS)

I saw a similar show tonight on 10 critters with really big mouths, but not the top 10, just 10 among many, and I was playing air hockey while last night's show was on, and I missed the intro, so possibly these 10 are not the top 10 but just the 10 that they picked.


Dude said...

Top killer has got to be mosquitos. Two must be the indirect fatalities caused by deer in the headlights. I'll take a stab at hippos to show.

Dude said...

Scorpions in the top ten?

How about fish, as in toxic blowfish?

What about primates with shotguns?

I would think that African animals would be mostly to blame, but I thought that hippos were the big killer there, because everyone assumes them harmless and get too close.

Tom said...


1. Mosquitos
2. Snakes
3. Bees
4. Spider
5. scorpion
6. Rhinos
7. Lions
8. Jellyfish
9. Hyenas
10. Sharks

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