Thursday, December 08, 2005

Being forced to recognize that there are different points of view helps make bright young conservatives such good debaters. They learn early on the limited persuasiveness of shouting at someone with whom they disagree, "You're an idiot." Of necessity they have to develop the ability to cast their arguments in ways that appeal to those starting from very different premises. . . .

Liberals can be wonderful people, and boon companions, but they often have a hard time dealing with people of opposing views--especially when they cannot dismiss them out of hand as idiots. Too often they have spent their entire adult lives surrounded almost entirely by those who think just like them, and it comes naturally to dismiss those of other views as intellectually or morally challenged.

It's true. I can debate the war one against five and not get a better retort than "Bush Lied." They quote the media quoting the 911 Commission Report and when you offer the unreported parts they stare blankly.


E said...

It's true, and maddening. I try debating and all you get back is talking points, even from the most intelligent, most educated libs. All I want is some truly intelligent discussion. Did it used to be so hard to find?

Tom, good to have you back. I know how you childless couples can scoot away to exotic locations but I'm still trying to figure out how Dude manages that.

Dude said...

Dude is importing Nana for the week he is in Vegas since Marci will be in Moscow.

Tom said...

I wish I could join you, Dude. Just too close to my return.

Tom said...

It's good to be back, E. 8 days is about my travel tolerance and we were there for 10.

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