Thursday, February 09, 2006


We have resisted the idea for a long time. But where there's a will (and a profit motive), there's a way. Is there a will? What price freedom?

Hanson: Without nuclear acquisition, a Pakistan or Iran would warrant little worry. It is no accident that top al Qaeda figures are either in Pakistan or Iran, assured that their immunity is won by reason that both of their hosts have vast oil reserves or nukes or both.

The lesson from all this is that in order to free the United States from such blackmail and dependency, we must at least try to achieve energy independence and drive down oil prices — and see that no Middle East autocracy gains nuclear weapons. Those principles, along with support for democratic reform, should be the three pillars of American foreign policy.

1 comment:

Tom said...

What's funny is that there is plenty of oil in America and other parts of the world to bring the price down, but politics insist that the government create programs to develop other technologies.

Just like the government invented the electric light, the airplane, the microchip and Major League Baseball, they are the best entity to fix our energy problems.

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