Thursday, February 23, 2006


Rush gets to the heart of the Port scandal.
Do you know when this story broke? This story broke before the Cheney story. This story's been out there longer than the Cheney story has been out there. Do you feel manipulated by the mainstream press? I told you last week, John Gambling, who is on WABC in New York, two hours prior to this program is, had Ann Compton of the White House press corps on during that whole Cheney kerfuffle, and he said, "Ann, what about this port story?"

She had no idea what it was. She had no idea what it was. All last week the media's marching orders were: "Screw Cheney! Get Cheney! Indict Cheney! Hope that Whittington dies. Make David Gregory the new pope of media, whatever," but this news has been out there long before the Cheney thing hit.

Another example of the media being a follow-the-leader game.

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