Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy friggin holidays from Carol Brady. I guess she didn't like this script. From "The Tattle-Tale," which we watched this evening - not one of the better episodes.


Tom said...

That Chevy Chase line from Caddyshack seems to be a comment on this Brady episode.

"Nobody like a tattle-tale Danny except me."

What's with her digit anyway? Was she carrying something awkwardly in the scene or is it a commentary on the script?

E said...

Mike is talking with Cindy about her tattling. Carol walks in from the kitchen to join the discussion. She is using her left hand to hold the two sides of her vest together. I only noticed it because we paused the DVD at that moment so one of the boys could go pee. I have to admit I thought this was hilarious, the Bradys being so spuriously upright and all.

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