Thursday, March 20, 2003

Letters from two exiled Iraqis

Thanks to Tricia for sending me this link. These letters written to Tony Blair by former Iraqis.

I have lived in Glasgow for 22 years having left Iraq in 1980. When I was a university student in Basrah I saw tens of my closest colleagues disappear from classes, both Shias and Sunnis. No one could even mention their absence! My family has also suffered executions and imprisonments. The only equality and justice Saddam applied is that no ethnic, political or religious group escaped his acts of terror.

This is just the tip of it. I could quote a number of other passages. These are by no means Pro-American letters. There is plenty of U.S. criticism here. These are just people that want their country back. There are a lot of terrible places in the world to live, but soon there will be one fewer.

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