Sunday, March 30, 2003

The War for Liberalism (William Kristol, The Weekly Standard)

Bill Kristol is the loudest neo-conservative voice in America. I've been citing articles recently on the debate between Paleos and Neos. The Neos believe in a strong American presence overseas. Bill asserts here that the Democrats have fractured into two camps over the war and terrorism.
The Gephardt liberals are patriots. They supported the president in the run-up to this war, and strongly support the war now that it has begun. It would be misleading to call this group the Joe Lieberman liberals, because he was already too much of a hawk to be representative, but the group certainly includes Lieberman. It also includes Hillary Rodham Clinton, probably a majority of Senate Democrats, less than half of the House Democrats, Democratic foreign policy experts at places like the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations, and a smaller number of liberal commentators and opinion leaders--most notably the Washington Post editorial page.

The other group includes the Teddy Kennedy wing of the Senate Democrats, the Nancy Pelosi faction of the House Democrats, a large majority of Democratic grass-roots activists, the bulk of liberal columnists, the New York Times editorial page, and Hollywood. These liberals--better, leftists--hate George W. Bush so much they can barely bring themselves to hope America wins the war to which, in their view, the president has illegitimately committed the nation. They hate Don Rumsfeld so much they can't bear to see his military strategy vindicated. They hate John Ashcroft so much they relish the thought of his Justice Department flubbing the war on terrorism. They hate conservatives with a passion that seems to burn brighter than their love of America, and so, like M. de Villepin, they can barely bring themselves to call for an American victory.

Interesting take, but I think in the case of Gebhardt and certainly Hillary Clinton, Presidential aspirations are the real motivator for supporting the war. Nancy Pelosi and Teddy Kennedy know they can't be President or defeated for re-election, so why not become a real opposition to Bush? Does anybody think that Hillary is more moderate than Pelosi and Kennedy?

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