Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Trust Tony's judgment (The Guardian, By Bill Clinton)

The credit for 1441 belongs in large measure to Blair, who saw it as a chance to disarm Saddam in a way that strengthened the UN and preserved the Atlantic alliance. . .

I wish that Russia and France had supported Blair's resolution. Then, Hans Blix and his inspectors would have been given more time and supprt for their work. But that's not where we are. Blair is in a position not of his own making, because Iraq and other nations were unwilling to follow the logic of 1441.

This is a Bill Clinton article that basically says that he can now support a war on Iraq because Tony Blair supports it. This guy is dying at the idea that he could have solved these problems in the 1990s and chose to do nothing. Now others are poised to get the credit, he can only remind everyone of his great relationship with Blair.

UPDATE: Jonah Goldberg reminds us that Clinton had a different speech to his American audience.

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