Sunday, June 22, 2003

You’ll notice advertisement at the top of this blog. What I find interesting is that it changes according to the subjects I post. When I talk about baseball, there are baseball links. But more than that, there was a specific link today mentioning Wrigley Field. I have also seen Hillary Clinton ads when I talk about her. Sometimes I just see general ads about political merchandise.

I mention all of this, because it’s the future of advertising. With technology like TiVo making it possible to skip ads, advertisers are going to have to find other ways for you to see their stuff. If they can direct their ads to you personally, according to your interests, it will be more cost effective to them and more interesting to you.

I imagine a day when we’ll actually have a choice of paying for specific programming or choosing the TV commercials we will watch. This way we can pay with dollars or our time. Everyone wins.

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