Saturday, October 16, 2004


Vulgar it was, but it's also a slap in the face to Hollywood leftists that were all but treated as traitors. More interesting is that I see that Shark Tale beat them at the Box Office last night which would be of no interest but. . .

I went with two other guys and we bought our tickets separately. I was first and asked for TEAM AMERICA, Dan went into another line, and then Sean was helped by the same guy as me. When we got to the theatre they directed us to different screens. A closer inspection of our tickets revealed that Sean and I were both given tickets to SHARK'S TALE and only Dan got a ticket for TEAM AMEIRCA. Dan said that he remembered me distinctively saying TEAM AMERICA. I even asked the guy if he had seen the movie yet and he said no, but that he was going to see it sometime that weekend. Then there was some cross talk about how irreverent these guys are.

I would have assumed accident, but I can never remember getting the wrong ticket in the past and the same exact thing happened to Sean. Why did it happen?

My first guess is that the once booming theatre has been less popular in the last few years with even newer stadium seating theatres being built not far away. Since theaters have to pay a higher percentage back to the distributor for newer films, maybe they decided to hide some numbers in a week old release to keep more money. It's not like either film was going to sell out anyway.

But could the answer be that they are trying to depress TEAM AMERICA'S numbers?

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