Friday, September 22, 2006


From time to time I like to flip over to CNN or liberal talk radio to see if they have anything new to say. They don't.

Yesterday I joined The Al Franken Show in progress as he was cutting to some chump who was beginning his speech to a crowd in Washington.

. . ."We are experiencing a temporary reprieve to higher gas prices" . . . by which I guess he means that high gas prices are Bush's fault even when they're not high. If they were, it would be his fault. And if they get high again (I hope, I hope), then his fault.

. . ."Our current leadership is incapable of dreaming big dreams" . . . about higher taxes for everyone, and strict regulations on U.S. businesses, and bringing down the oil companies, and shooting Karl Rove in the ass.

. . ."Energy independence will require sacrificial commitment and long term resolve." Doesn't anyone notice the irony here?

. . ."We just heard Ford announce another round of layoffs". . . because the unions have succeeded in making the U.S. auto industry noncompetitive . . . "We need fuel efficient hybrids! For only $400 per vehicle [paid by the federal government], we can make every new vehicle a flexible fuel vehicle and create a market". . . and they want to tell me they are *not* the anti-capitalist party of higher taxes and bigger government!??

Twenty minutes of blah blah blah.

Cut back to Al in the studio. He says, "Sounds like we need a change in leadership, doesn't it? Back after this" and cuts to a commercial.

Several things struck me about this.

One, Al is really mailing it in. If that segment is a good indication, his heart ain't in it. In fact, he may have gone out for a burger during that segment.

Two, TWENTY MINUTES without a commercial? And he's Air America's headliner? They must really be struggling.

Three, the featured speech was not very good. Why all the fuss?

Four, is such a passionate affiliation with good for the Democratic Party?

Five, the lack of creativity, inspiration -- really, the lack of everything -- in the segment was weird. I flipped back over to Rusty Humphries or Laura Ingraham and they were mocking Kofi Annan's farewell speech, with catchy jingles and witty commentary. Now that's how you run a talk show.

Air America - We Distort, You Deride.

1 comment:

Tom said...

What's great about the failure of Air America is that it was formed like a government agency. They justified a budget, spent money and then waited for success. Unlike the government, they will need actual results at some point in order to continue. A shame that government education isn't getting the same message.

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