Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The Republicans lost their soul when they kicked this guy out of leadership.

1. Make English the Official Language of Government.
2. Control the Borders.
3. Keep God in the Pledge.
4. Require a Voter ID Card.
5. Repeal the Death Tax, for Good.
6. Restore Property Rights.
7. Achieve Sustainable Energy Independence.
8. Control Spending and Balance the Budget.
9. Tie Education Funding to Teacher Accountability.
10. Defend America From the Irreconcilable Wing of Islam.
11. Focus on Iran and North Korea.

There's something for everyone. He makes a nod to religion, terrorism, the enviornment, immigration, property, taxes, and education.

After being elected in 1994, Republicans quickly abandoned their pledge of term-limits and now 12 years later (about the time term limits would have kicked in anyway) they are on their way to losing control through the ballot box.

With term-limits, bad ideas like the medicare prescription drug program wouldn't have stood a chance. That was nothing but a cynical plan to co-opt the Democrats in order to win the next election. Once politics is no longer a career, re-election is a much smaller priority. The Democrats that hate tax cuts and refute the idea that they help the economy might not think so if they had to go work in the real world after their term-limits kicked in.

I was surprised but happy yo see #9. Teachers can complain that it's unfair to teachers, but who cares. Teachers are the employees working for the taxpayer. As their employer we should demand an accounting of their efforts. We need to simply stop talking about funding as the cause of poor education and make the money we now spend yield results.

Like I told Dude in Vegas, if Newt runs for President I am voting for him the primary over anyone else.


E said...

E agrees - if Alan Keyes doesn't go through the motions again (he is still paying off his campaign debts from Illinois), Newt is the man speaking my language, with Santorum as runner-up.

Dude said...

I don't know a lick about Santorum and there is still time to learn, but I know Newt and I love the guy. He's my frontrunner as it now stands.

I was working one day at the Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando when Newt was speaking. I got all my work done lickety-split so I could go stand in the back of the room and listen to Newt. This was circa 1998.

Newt is much like Reagan in that when he speaks, I fall into a happy trance as the words and ideas just bounce around in my brain like poetry. He's not the alpha male type, he just has great ideas and an eloquent way of using the language.

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