Monday, October 30, 2006

1938 Orson Welles presents War of the Worlds


Like many artists before him, Welles took a medium and pushed it beyond its usual confines and inadvertently showed the world how influential electronic media could be. Welles’ reputation from this incident led to a Hollywood contract where he would push that medium beyond the normal limits as well.


Welles major asset was a youthful exuberance that felt no boundaries. Unfortunately he felt no boundaries with people either and this indiscretion allowed him to be written off numerous times. If he could have downplayed the “genius” reputation and been humble among the power brokers he might have had solid Hollywood career being among the directors considered for the top scripts. Instead, he eeked out a living playing character roles and financing his own independent films while interesting only show a glimpse of the talent he may have left.


It’s usually the ability of average people who can harness the talent of others that leads to success. Genius too often has a tendency to blow itself up.

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