Saturday, October 28, 2006


I needed something new. How do you blog about the generic congressional poll or this constant victimization parade, first Congressional pages and then Mark Foley and priests? The politics of science is getting outrageous too. Not federally funding something is the same as outlawing it and the latest sky is falling global warming predictions are so absurd taken in context with history and other sky is falling scenarios.

Settled history is an entertaining place to start and it's a great way to show how purpose and intent rarely achieve the desired results. It also shows how seemingly inconsequential things can reverberate for years to come. In contemporary politics we argue the merits of something by supposing the results in advance and never really take up the question again once the results are in. History is a great way to show how people's actions resulted in real outcomes and changes in society for the good and the bad.

It's bothered me that too little has been said about Europe's response to Hitler in the 1930s and how even a small amount of action could have prevented a catastrophic war and saved millions of lives. What’s the point of the Hollywood holocaust film parades if we’re not to take the lesson to end totalitarianism when we can? Regardless of the amount of WMD that Saddam held at the time of invasion, he wanted to harness more of the stuff and he was abusing his people in a way that had already justified our actions in Haiti, Bosnia and even Somalia. The actions history wanted us to take in Germany.

There’s a very basic question in this election that isn’t being asked. Do the terrorists want Democrats or Republicans to win? Anyone who can truly say that the terrorists are worried about the tremendous wrath of Democrats should vote for Democrats. I can’t think of any other patriotic reason to do so. I can think of a lot of reasons that will make people feel more compassionate and thoughtful, but not patriotic.

The outcome of the election will either be bad or worse and since it will be fruitless to argue the merits of the policy that will come as a result of those elections, I think it might be more fun to look back and history and see where they went wrong or right. THIS DAY IN HISTORY will hopefully provide a decent format.


Anonymous said...

I think the calendar is a fine place to resource. Too bad more citizens don't review their history before settling on their future.

Dude said...

The GOP should begin asking voters who they think the terrorists would vote for in this next election. If the answer is *democrats* does anybody believe that it is because they support a woman's right to choose?

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