Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Clinton has been trying to escape complicity for falling asleep to terrorism during his watch. Now his former FBI director, Louis Freeh, tells how little Clinton cared about the 19 servicemen killed in the 1996 attack Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.

It’s in the preamble to the constitution. The government is supposed to provide for the common defense. It’s only supposed to promote the general welfare. The Democrats have reversed the role of the government.

FDR and LBJ tried to provide both by waging wars against totalitarians and hunger. But since Vietnam, Democrats just provide for the general welfare. The common defense is hardly an afterthought. I may be out of work or disabled or psychotic, but I have a much better chance of feeding myself than providing a military to defend myself.

Democrats think Bush got a free ride because of the war, but Clinton’s approval numbers would have been at similar levels had he treated the attacks we sustained in the 1990s with resolve. $1 of action is worth $10 of talk.

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