Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Just heard Tom DeLay tell Rush (paraphrasing) that the Texas D.A. is "a bully" who has indicted "13 or 15" political enemies and "everyone is afraid of him but I'm not afraid of him -- I see him for what he is." He said this indictment has unified the Republicans in Congress at a time when internal rifts were causing incohesion. He said the Republican majority in the House is set to introduce legislation that will decrease spending, decrease taxes, increase oil production through new refining capacity and new drilling, send ANWR to the Senate, increase border patrol, and enforce immigration laws -- all in the next eight weeks.

Those are the right issues. We shall see whether the Congressional majority can deliver and whether the Senate will cooperate.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Boy, it sounds like Delay anticipated Rush's questions and tried to difuse every issue. Not too unlike the way Cheney was sent Monday to sell us on Miers.

I don't know how they're suddenly going to undo 10 years of big government Republicanism in a few weeks. Rush doesn't usually take guests so 2 within one week in a non election year must be a record. If these "pragmatic" conservatives are using Rush for cover I hope he calls them out at their first misstep.

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