Friday, October 14, 2005


Back in the early 90's when I lived in Chicago, the Honorable Richard M. Daley decided to help the plight of the poor by tearing down public housing. He came up with (probably not his idea but he took it as his own) the plan to "redistribute" the cities poor among the sub-burbs. The idea was that you took poor folks and moved them to middle and upper middle class neighborhoods. Then the city helped them buy a house and get a job. The suburbs hated the idea and the "black leadership" derided the idea as racist. Strangely enough it worked. Now those folks are graduating children from college today and the former crack houses of the public housing district are luxury, waterfront apartments.

Now we have this to happen...

Hurricane Katrina has swept away more than New Orleans buildings: Nearly four in 10 city residents who sought help from the Red Cross say they don't plan to move back, a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll finds. (Related: Poll results)

What we have here is a major redistribution of a crime ridden cities population. I believe New Orleans will become a more peaceful, less crime ridden, better place to live now that it's poor have been redistributed. It will be very interesting to follow the fortunes of those who refuse to return. I will bet dollar for dollar that they will thrive and florish on their own. The liberals want them to move back because if they show that government help wasn't needed then it will prove that their big government programs are baloney.


Tom said...

It will be interesting to hear sociologists and socialists explain why it was a bad thing 10 years from now.

Tom said...

Oh and great title by the way.

Dude said...

Nothing like a big wet kick in the ass to break the cycle of dependency. Get thee to a Wal-Mart, you @#%*^&!$

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