Thursday, August 14, 2003

Coulter on California:

Democrats governed their petri dish as they always govern. They buy the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits -- and then turn around and accuse the productive class of "greed" for wanting their taxes cut. This has worked so well nationally that more people in America now work for the government than work in any sort of manufacturing job.

Most touchingly, Democrats claim to be shocked at the exorbitant cost of a recall election. They were not such penny-pinchers when contemplating Enron-style pensions for school crossing guards. Nor did their fiscal conservatism kick in when Davis announced this week that he would sign legislation providing "intolerance and hatred control training" for all California schoolteachers. Yeah, this is the guy who wants another crack at straightening out the budget.

1) When a Republican presides over a strong economy it is called greed.
2) When a Democrat presides over strong economy it is called leadership.
3) When a Republican presides over a weak economy it is called incompetence.
4) When a Democrat presides over a weak economy it is called perplexing.

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