Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Do we have the guts to fight North Korea?

Some wars are inevitable. Do you fight them when you are strong or wait until your foes gets stronger. We know what happened in Europe during the 1930s. We also know that our war in Iraq was to prevent another Europe. Do Americans have the will to fight North Korea before it gets too big to beat easily? A lot of people have put their hopes on the peace talks, but can they do the job?
North Korea is entirely unlikely to be talked out of its nuclear weapons program. This happens to be one of those sorry international disputes in which the most desirable outcome is also the least likely. Indeed, the practical obstacles to securing an irreversible and verifiable end to Pyongyang's nuclear program through diplomatic negotiations alone are not just formidable, they are overwhelming.

The article sites all of the previous negotiations, the North Koreans duplicity and the punishment that was never doled out. North Korea will not stand down. We can continue to give them things, but they won’t stop doing what they want to do, namely build a nuclear arsenal. We’d be good to blow it to hell forthwith, but I got a feeling that we’re tired of war and the President will be loath to fight another one.

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