Tuesday, August 19, 2003


Ward Connerly has been going around the country trying to make real Dr. King's idea of a colorblind society. Who are his biggest opponents? Supporters of the late Dr. King. Connerly's latest proposal on the California ballot is a measure that outlaws the collection of race data altogether. What is more colorblind than that? Institutions cannot judge a person by their race if you don't make him/her identify their race. It's the first step to thinking of people as people.

Now if people were people, what would Jesse Jackson do for a living? Here is his argument.
California businessman Ward Connerly's Proposition 54 is bad medicine for the people of California. It would place a ''gag order'' on the collection of data and information needed to analyze social problems, design public policy and identify positive solutions.

Jackson isn’t dumb to the idea that this sort of collection began in the old south as a way to keep black people in their place. The whole theory that a single drop of Negro blood makes someone black originated with people that Jackson says he opposes. What do you think those good old boys were doing if they weren’t “designing public policy” as Jackson puts it? Jackson just supports using the same racist tactics to meet his own ends.
Proposition 54 argues not for privacy, but for ignorance. It is nothing less than a recall of the historic commitment to civil rights, equal access and equal protection under the law. And Connerly has already threatened to put it on the ballot in states across the country.

Another Jackson non-sequitor. How can equal access and equal protection flourish in a society that is designing public policy around race? Jackson is nothing less than a modern day version of all which he says he opposes. He’s got the perfect setup. He decries the sins of 50 years ago and asks that the remedy be the tactics of the old sinners. Enough hue and cry and he can continue on like this until his dying day.

Jesse Jackson is to blacks what Yassar Arafat is to Palestinians. Their followers love them despite their selfish motives. Neither wants to see a solution to the problems before them, because that would negate their own personal power. Just like Arafat wouldn’t sign the peace accord in the waning days of the Clinton administration, Jackson won’t cede that there will ever be a time in which blacks shouldn’t get preferential treatment.

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