Thursday, January 29, 2004

The Problem with Multilateralism:

Documents from Saddam Hussein's oil ministry reveal he used oil to bribe top French officials into opposing the imminent U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

Such evidence would undermine the French position before the war when President Jacques Chirac sought to couch his opposition to the invasion on a moral high ground.

The Democrats assertion that every last country must join a coalition to make a military action legitimate allows a dictator to court just one key country to prevent action. This particular charge may or may not be true, but it reveals the larger truth that all nations have their own self-interest to consider. France is more likely concerned with their oil contracts than they are with the security of the United States. Liberal Americans who criticize the U.S. for ignoring France are either naive when it comes to world affairs or are using France as an excuse because they didn't want to use military force for other reasons.

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