Friday, January 30, 2004


"I think there has been an exaggeration," Mr. Kerry said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way."

"This administration's arrogant and ideological policy is taking America down a more dangerous path," Mr. Kerry said. "I will make America safer than they are."

Kerry is just saying the same thing that Democrats said about Reagan during the cold war. When Reagan approach won, they pretended they never said it.

Also, Kerry is trying to have the best of it both ways. If the administration cracks down on suspected terrorists and topples regimes, Kerry calls it overkill. If another terrorist act is successful in this country, Kerry will say that Bush was negligent. In other words, if Bush does something then he is going to far. If something happens anyway, then Bush hasn’t done enough. We’re supposed to believe that Kerry’s vague plan is a better one.

Kerry wants to return the country to the Clinton approach.

1. Ignore terrorism until it happens again.
2. Make a speech condemning the perpetrators.
3. Lob a bomb or two in their general direction.
4. Return to Step One.

This is not a winning policy for Kerry if the Republicans do a decent enough job of pointing it out.

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