Wednesday, January 03, 2007


In consideration of my generally dour disposition, I was recently advised to make a gratitude list heading into 2007, a Top Ten list of things I am grateful for in my life, to which I can refer when I get down or when I exaggerate or dwell on the momentary troubles that beset me, prone as I am to self-loathing and impossible standards of excellence. So here it is. I was pleased with how easily it flowed forth and how plainly it will serve its purpose.

1. I love my wife. Romantic love wears off – else how would anything ever get done? – but I admire, respect, cherish, rely on, look to and love my wife of ten and a half years. She is not perfect but never claimed to be. Better: she is genuine. Friend, partner, soulmate, playmate, confidant… she brings out the best and worst in me, which is how it ought to be in marriage.

2. I delight in my sons. They crack me up in surprising and delightful ways. One takes wholly after me and the other wholly after his mother, which again brings out the best and worst in me, which is as it ought to be. They always told me that you never really know yourself and you never really understand love until you have kids, and I am finding that to be the case. They teach me the importance of maintaining a right perspective and that short-term words and deeds (mine more than theirs) have long-term ramifications. Mostly they remind me to have fun and that just about everything is interesting in some way.

3. I like my job. Not everyone can say that. There have been plenty of times when I could not. I have found a good niche for my skills and temperament, I am good at what I do, and I am learning a lot. I do get bored after several years in any capacity, and have experienced that in recent months, but that is what we call a “high-class problem.” My firm is tops in its field and I am fortunate to be part of it. The new year brings new challenges and opportunities at work.

4. My family is healthy. Some of you know firsthand the tremendous stresses that arise from dealing with medical issues in yourself or a loved one. I can probably count on one hand the number of days the four of us missed work or school in 2006 due to illness, and for that I am grateful.

5. I love our new house. I like the location, the neighbors, the kids’ new friends, their teachers, our new proximity to things, the setting amid Amish farms, and the house itself. I feel very much at home here.

6. I have a secure faith in God. I am more scholar than gentleman (though I hope I am making progress on the latter) – I studied everything else first, and then when I read the Bible (just to formally dismiss it), I became convinced that it could only be true. Today I have a reasoned faith that gives me both an abiding joy and an intellectual framework for understanding everything else. The Holy Spirit has made me smarter and more capable than I could have become without Him.

7. There is no presidential election this year. I get too caught up in them and waste a lot of time reading op-eds and listening to pundits and political operatives who answer any question that is asked with the same scripted reply.

8. The world is full of books and I want to know what is in them.

9. Life is better sober. Most alcoholics end up in jails, institutions or early graves. Most people with a drinking problem never make it into an A.A. meeting, and about 1 in 30 of those who do go on to become sober. My compulsion to drink was lifted about 12 years ago and life has become so much richer in the 13 years, 7 months and 12 days since I took that last drink in Durham, North Carolina after a fateful chat with a cab driver. I heard a still small voice in a dream the following morning that changed everything.

10. My feet are healed. I suffered from chronic pain in both feet from junior high until about two years ago when I experienced a sudden buzzing, burning and what felt like stretching of my foot muscles at a church altar in Reamstown, PA. I removed the orthotics from my shoes and haven’t used them since. I should remember to be thankful for every moment my feet don’t hurt, but again, how would anything else get done.

Bonus. Turkey Hill introduced Philadelphia Eagles Touchdown Sundae flavor premium ice cream, with fudge ribbon and chocolate covered peanut butter footballs. This simple pleasure has added untold joy and about 12 pounds to my life.

Honorable mention to Wilbur Buds, a chocolate confection out of Lititz, PA that blows Hershey Kisses away. These are probably responsible for a couple of those 12 pounds, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thankful New Year!!

1 comment:

Tom said...

Beautifully said.

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