Wednesday, October 08, 2003


Those of us in Orange County, Florida sent some bad news to local politicians on Tuesday as well. The county was slick last year and got a half-cent sales tax hike for “the children.” They whined that without the tax they wouldn’t be able to build new schools. By planting a bunch of signs of cute children in yards all over town they pulled at enough heart strings to win.

This time they want more money for roads, but they had no cute kids to put on the signs. Instead they decided to put it up for vote on October 7th, a time when many citizens wouldn’t be expected at the polls. There was very little debate about the need the for the money or its actual use. They had just hoped that they could sneak it in.

They spent $1.2 Million of tax payer money in order to get more tax money from us. A little group called “Ax the Tax” raised $20,000 in private funds and defeated the measure.
Crotty blamed poor voter turnout, just under 23 percent, for Mobility 20/20's failure and the proposed Interstate 4 express lanes. Crotty said some media outlets reported what he called "the opposition's distortions" about toll lanes as fact. He believes that also hurt Mobility 20/20.

That’s rich. They hold the election in an off year in October and then complain that low voter turnout hurt their genius idea. I’m sure they were expecting around 12% turnout.

Crotty also blamed “Opposition’s distortion.” Nobody ever says we won the elected because of distortions. You win it was because your truth was heard loud and clear. When you lose it’s because of distortions.
Orange County Chairman Rich Crotty told reporters that voters blew an opportunity to do something about gridlock. He also called Ax the Tax representative Doug Guetzloe to wish him congratulations and tell him if he has a better idea about solving gridlock that he would like to hear from him.

I’ve got an idea. How about manage the money you already have wisely? Better roads will create a better tax base. If you spend less on your pet projects now you will have more money to spend on other things in the future. It’s always easier for politicians when you give them more money to solve the problems they create. It’s much more fun making them actually cut government waste to achieve their goals.

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