Monday, October 20, 2003


I was interested to learn that asthmatic kids are made to keep their inhalers at the Nurse’s office in some school districts. It has something to do with the no tolerance drug policy. Recently a kid, who kept his inhaler on his person anyway, offered the inhaler to his girlfriend when she was going through an attack. I don’t know what an attack is like, but I doubt it is easy to get to the nurse’s office every time. The school nurse decided that the girl’s attack was not life threatening and the principal suspended the boy for giving her the medicine.

Are we so shallow in this country that we cannot differentiate between a person using drugs for a condition and a person using drugs for recreation? Aren’t schools the place where teachers are supposed to be teaching children how to think and understand the differences between two different applications of knowledge?

It’s more evidence that we’re not educating children, but training them to function repetitively according to learned stimulus. Any deviation is not judged on the merits, but punished for merely being a deviation.

If you wonder why tobacco companies have such an easy time marketing to children, it's because critical thinking is not a priority in their schools. If you wonder why political candidates can rely on deceptive ads, it’s because kids are punished for challenging authorities, even when the authorities are wrong. Kids are soon conditioned to accept whatever they are told. The box cutter arrest is an example of how this continues into adulthood.

Laws exist to solve certain human problems not create them. By loving the law for the sake of itself we marginalize the human beings for whom the law was supposed to protect.

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