Tuesday, October 07, 2003


The Progressive Orange County Weekly endorsed Tom McClintock for some interesting reasons. (Coutesy of Arnold Steinberg at NRO)

You should know that McClintock is the only politician in California with enough integrity to do all of the following without reservation or fear of retribution from his own party’s less principled bosses:

1. He blasted the backroom deal that forced a multibillion-dollar ratepayer bailout of the state’s Republican-dominated private utility monopolies.

2. He publicly chastised the disgraceful ethics of Chuck Quackenbush—at a time when the Republican insurance commissioner was still backed by Republican leaders.

3. He launched the fight against the regressive car-registration tax that hits the poor and working class hardest.

4. He has displayed 15 years of almost vicious political independence in attacking massive tax hikes and corporate giveaways no matter who proposed them—whether Republican governors Wilson and George Deukemejian or Democrat Davis. Consider his showdown with Wilson just after the governor’s 1991 tax hike of $7.4 billion. McClintock objected, and the then-governor backed the defiant McClintock into a corner and angrily called him "fucking irrelevant." McClintock, however, refused to be intimidated.

"I place principle over party," McClintock recently told Orange County Register reporter Martin Wiskol. "The party is only as good as its devotion to their principles."

I'm frankly surprised that so many Democrats have come to the defense of the inept Davis. He's a liability. Soon they can blame Arnold for the shaky California economy. It's working moderately well against Bush.

And Instapundit says that the L.A. Times story is nothing but a huge campaign donation to Governor Davis, which by the way, would be exempt from campaign finance reform laws.

Mickey Kaus says it's plausible that Arnold was behind the whole recall in the first place.
Why would I think that this might not have been the biggest streak of favorable coincidence since Eddie Murphy wound up as a U.S. Senator in Distinguished Gentleman?That Schwarzenegger might from the start have been somehow behind the whole recall movement that was his only plausible route to power and might well lead to his election tomorrow? I mean, it's not as if one of the attorneys for Rescue California, Issa's group that gathered signatures to put the recall on the ballot was also Schwarzenegger' attorney in the controversy over his B-1 visa. ...Oh, wait! ...
It makes one wonder. . .

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