Sunday, April 20, 2003

Antiwar Movement Tries to Find a Meaningful Message (New York Times, April 20, 2003)

On Tuesday, the leaders of the antiwar coalition Win Without War will gather for a two-day retreat outside New York City to discuss their group's future now that the war has ended. One of the items on the agenda: Should it change its name to Win Without Wars?

The question of whether to go plural reflects how the antiwar movement is trying to move forward now that the conflict it so passionately wanted to avert — and for a time, thought it might avert — has ended.

This has been such fun, people. I can't imagine disbanding and going back to our jobs and families. Why don't we start opposing wars before they start? Why do we need to factor in the reasons and justifications, we already know that we'll oppose it if Bush is President? We can pre-build our signs with blank spaces for witty slogans later, like when the administration goes to war with a country that doesn't have any oil.

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