Monday, April 28, 2003

Detective: Malvo Laughed About Shootings (FoxNews, April 28, 2003)

Describing the Oct. 14 shooting of Franklin, Boyle testified that Malvo "was laughing. I asked where he shot her. He laughed and pointed at his head." Malvo is charged with capital murder in Franklin's death.

Malvo also chortled about a shot aimed at a boy that missed its mark, saying it was so close "it might have even parted his hair," Boyle said. And he laughed about the shooting of a man mowing grass because afterward, "the lawn mower just kept going down the street."

Malvo's lawyers argue that he made clear to police that he did not want to talk about the shootings without lawyers present.

What kind of defense can you possibly construct for this human debris? Let's put a hole in him.

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