Tuesday, December 14, 2004


As many of you know, now that I no longer work for a living, I spend a great deal of my time playing poker and researching the UFO phenomenon and its kissing cousin, quantum physics. Here is an interesting article I discovered that was written in Pravda in 2002 about Chernobyl.
The explosion was very large, but, luckily, it was a thermal blast. The fourth power generating unit was basically destroyed by overheated steam. There was no nuclear explosion. Roughly 180 tons of enriched uranium were in the reactor. If a large blast had happened, half of Europe would not currently be depicted on any maps.
There are many theories to explain such luck. One of the theories is that there was help from an Unidentified Flying Object. When troublesome events started to occur, some people saw a spaceship hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl plant. Eyewitnesses say that an UFO was there for six hours and that hundreds of people saw it. People started writing about it only two years after the catastrophe. Of course, such information appeared in magazines on ufology. As it is generally believed, serious people don't read such magazines and journals.
Even if you don't buy into this sort of thing, it is interesting nonetheless that such a story ran in Pravda, of all places. Also interesting, and somewhat amusing is the last thought of the story, written by a citizen of an atheist state:
It seems that aliens are not worried with the fate of humanity. They are basically worried about the planets environment.

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