Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Those who don't believe in slipper slope arguments need look no further than the Supreme Court's interpretation of the 1st Amendment's establishment clause.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

The Supreme Court in the early 1960s held that the First Amendment's order that Congress make no law really meant separation of church and state. Wouldn't that be "prohibiting the free exercise therof"?

Their decision resulted with the outlawing of school prayer, and has mutated into the ban of Christmas on government property. Nay to Nativity scenes and forget using the word "Christmas" in public places. What's funny is that Christmas has become such a commercial holiday that the word hardly has religious connotations for the unbeliever. Still, the elite must adhere to the letter of the Supreme Court opinion, because someone somewhere is crying into their pillow over having seen the word in public.

The "play it safe" corporate culture has totally adopted this kind of political correctness re-labeling it "inclusiveness." Learning other people's culture is diversity, while expressing our own is bigotry.

We are absolutely the most guilt-ridden culture on the planet, convinced that our very existence is sending shivers down the backs of every helpless soul who just happens to be in the country at the time of our breathing.

No wonder so many people in America think the war in Iraq is unjust. How can you expect people to support killing enemies at a time when the high minded are camped in American classrooms pronouncing that we're the real problem?

But there are always groups Americans willing to fight anything.

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