Monday, September 26, 2005

MORE ON PORK from Robert Novak
Neither President Bush nor congressional leaders will tolerate tampering with the drug subsidy, the president's least popular initiative among conservatives. While the White House would be happy to see some highway pork eliminated, the House leaders absolutely refused. At stake here is a basic disagreement over the philosophy of government within the Republican Party as it nears the end of its 11th year controlling the House of Representatives.

Hastert believes it is not just the privilege but the duty of a House member to deliver federal projects to his constituents. Many younger conservatives could not disagree more, but most -- like Pence -- are loyal Republicans who are loath to criticize their leaders.

We need someone other than Hastert then. These guys are just begging to be in the minority it seems.


Dude said...

If Republicans are going to spend money like Democrats, then we may as well have a Democrat-majority in Congress and at least come away with cleaner water and more owls. The Contract With America seems like generations ago.

E said...

I wonder if Newt is planning to try to make hay out of the drunken sailor angle in his run for '08.

Sir said...

No kidding, we really are better off with divided government. This is the sort of thing that will just exasperate the eletorate and you'll have a huge conservative block just staying home in 2006

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