Monday, January 07, 2008


Pat Buchanan argued in WHERE THE RIGHT WENT WRONG that your best bet to remain a superpower is to not squander your resources through such silliness as fighting foreign wars. Many of the Democrats' talking points have come straight from Buchanan.

Tony Blankley reviewed Pat's latest:

Where I disagree with Pat most strongly in this book (and with which I will deal in my next book, to be published in the summer) is his assertion that America can best protect itself by broadly withdrawing from the world, bringing our troops home from almost everywhere and letting the world unfold without our active intervention and management.

Nonetheless, 15 years ago, Pat was dismissed as a paleoconservative at the margin of American politics. It is a tribute to the power of his words and ideas -- exemplified by and reaching climax in "Day of Reckoning" -- that he now may well be pointing the way to the future policy of the American people and their government.

Buchanan is one of the better political writers I've read, and while I don't agree with all of what he says, I admire his clarity and spunk. I cannot say the same for most of what I hear and read in today's political discourse.

Where Pat agrees with most of his Republican compatriots is that they are all sounding a dour tone. Obama doesn't have much to say, but he carries a message of hope, and despite our voracious appetite for bad news and salacious headlines, American is fundamentally a land of hope, and Obama has been the only one speaking to that. Huckabee is tapping into that now, and you see the results. Hillary, Rudy, Johnny Puff, Romney, McCain - they are all telling me that the world is a nasty place full of trials and tribulations. Obama talks up hope. Unfortunately for him, a presidential candidate needs depth and substance as well, but the other candidates could learn a thing or two from his approach.

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